The aim of this project is to synchronize information from the online store “POD” with two websites, “Amazon” and “Goodreads”. In the first phase, the Goodreads website is taken into consideration. This software consists of two main implementations:
1. Verification of Book Identity (Is crawled products corrected?):
This involves determining whether the products on the POD website match the desired products on Goodreads or not. Users can view representations of pages from both POD and Goodreads, along with links to those pages. Users have the capability to register the correct links and can also add comments. If the desired book is not found, there is an option to reject the product. Note: The final links are rechecked on Goodreads.
2. Verification of Book Information:
Users can access information such as links, Persian and English titles, authors, translators, ratings, descriptions, genres, images, information about the product, information about the author, and comments.
Note: Users have the ability to amend information in the Goodreads section. By confirming a product, the information for each product is imported.
I use these the Flask (a micro web framework written in Python) to release in “”